Croft Gets Even Greener!

Images of a Croft Sherry bottle, wine glasses, crisps, on a table in the garden

We are all familiar with the distinctive racing green colour of Croft Sherry. But did you know that in the background, we’ve been doing some important work to ‘green’ our environmental footprint too?

Let us introduce you to the new screw cap bottle. You may have already spotted it – and hopefully taken a bottle home – from Tesco, Asda, Morrisons or Waitrose. Sainsburys, Coop and Booths aren’t far behind and if you spot it out there in the wild, send us a picture!

Why have we replaced the screw cap?

Simply put, we wanted to remove the plastic cap from circulation. It is impossible to avoid the regular news of how plastic is making its way into our lives so by removing the plastic cork, we are part of a small but important shift to reduce this material and make your bottle recycling even easier. At our headquarters we manage to recycle 99% of waste generated!

What else are we doing for the planet?

In the vineyards we promote biodiversity through ground cover and removing chemical treatments. At the winery we re-use our water to protect this precious resource and of course with 300 days of sunshine a year we use solar power. In fact 100% of our energy is from renewable sources. If you come to visit , you might even ride our miniature train – now 100% electric – round the bodega.

Will my Croft change?

No! It won’t affect the recipe, the quality of the Croft inside or the length of time you can keep your Croft once opened.

If you are looking for “how to drink” inspiration or even recipes with Croft, filter our blog posts by “recipes”; we have lots of ideas.

Our ambition is to leave the lightest possible footprint on the environment.

We hope you continue to enjoy Croft Sherry, while we do our bit to look after the planet.